Blythe 2, CA

This should be my last day in California. The Arizona border is just a few miles down the street. This was a very quiet rest day. I even took an afternoon nap.

All ready for church! Yes, my shorts are wet. I got toothpaste splatter on them, so wiped them off with a washcloth. It will dry in a few minutes outside. By the way, I really like the shelf in my room, which is perfect for doing computer work. And the shelf in the bathroom is just right for charging devices.

I attended the local Calvary Chapel, where I met Ken, Jimmy, and Rudy. Afterwards, I had the Shrimp Enchilada Plate at the Courtesy Coffee Shop.

Saw this sign on a telephone pole in town. What could it possibly be for? Anyone?
goodbye comet sweats
I really like my new shorts, and have decided that I don’t need my bulky sweats. I will leave them behind in the motel room with a note that they can dispose of them as they see fit. I originally got those sweats from a dumpster, anyway.
senior sizzler
I went back to Sizzler for dinner, and got the Craft Salad Bar, which would normally be $12, but showed my room key for the discount. The cashier told me that beverages were to the right, which surprised me, because I hadn’t ordered a beverage. When I looked at the receipt, I realized that she had rung up the Senior Salad Bar, which includes a beverage. I’m technically not a senior by their measure – I just look like one. Good dinner.

The goal for tomorrow is Quartzsite, AZ, which should be straightforward if I leave in the cool of the morning. It’s just about 25 miles away, and one climb. If I’m feeling really strong, I might try for Salome, which is another 40 miles. However, I’m not optimistic about doing another 3 hills in the heat of the afternoon.

Miles today: 2.9 (rest day)

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  1. Yes, looking good! The paystubs sign is probably for seasonal, migrant, and freelance workers who don’t receive regular paystubs when they are paid. To rent an apartment or buy a car on credit, they may have to show paystubs as proof of income. There are services that can generate stubs. I assume there’s a small price, and hopefully it’s legitimate.

      1. That’s what I thought, too. The phone number links to, aka Doculeaf it’s a “business resource center”, and probably is if used legitimately. But their T&C page emphasizes that they only sell novelty items. Pricing is like “1 stub $50, w/ verification $75”. And says “You decide how much money the stub shows you earn”. Hmm…

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