I have only first-world problems. In fact, cream-of-the-first-world problems. The choices I made today were basically what to do on vacation, not whether I can even get a vacation. And the question was how far I would walk through the rain for food, not whether I would eat at all.
The first decision today was whether to stay over in my room, or go on. At 6 am, it was not raining at all, and it looked like I might be able to make it out, at least to cheaper accommodations. But the forecast said:

It was a hard decision, but I elected to stay.

I decided to look for thrift stores. St. Vincent de Paul was just a few blocks away.

I didn’t get anything at St. Vincent’s. There was also supposed to be another store, Porter’s, but I couldn’t find it, even though my Google Map said I was right on top of it. It was almost noon, so I went back to the Tiger Drive In that I had passed earlier.

I got completely soaked on the way back. At the business right next to the motel, a woman poked her head out and asked whether I wanted to come in to escape the rain. I thanked her, but explained that I was right next door.
Once inside the room, I headed straight for the bathroom to remove, wring out, and hang my clothes. I changed into dry clothes. Ironically, as soon as I had done this, the rain stopped.
All right then, not a frustration, but an opportunity. I put my wet clothes and shoes back on, and took some things to the post office to mail home.

Tomorrow, it’s supposed to be rainy again, but I will leave, rain or shine. If it’s off and on rain like today, it should be survivable. The next town on-route with a decent motel is about 100 miles away, so I’m going to try to make it to a motel 9 miles south of Tangipahoa, off-route, which is still 70 miles or so.
Miles today: 0 (not counting walking)