It’s my rest day, so I went to church. Google found Trinity-First United Methodist about 5 blocks from the hostel – easily walkable. I didn’t see any other people dressed as casually as I was, but when I went in, one of the first people to greet me was “Cindy,” who settled the matter by saying they were glad I was there.
The sermon was about what Jesus prayed for – that God’s presence be felt, for God’s protection, and for Unity.
I met Bob, Ed, and John during the socialization minute (Passing of the Peace) along with a lot of other quick hellos. The only picture I got was after the service, of David, who takes video.

After lunch, I visited the Holocaust Museum in town. Interesting place, that added details to what I’ve already seen and read elsewhere. For example, that baton that the Peacekeepers use in the Hunger Games movies has the same collapsible design as a metal whip that the German guards used to beat prisoners. There was an actual one on display. The museum was heavy on what, but light on why. In these times, I think we could all use a refresher on the events leading up to the Holocaust, so we can be on guard.

I walked around town in the evening to see what else might be nearby. There was a transient motel that was probably much cheaper than the one I was in. None of the restaurants in that region were open on Sunday. There were several nice hotels, like the Holiday Inn and Indigo Hotel. The latter had an upscale dining room, which I walked into to examine a menu. No one greeted me, perhaps on the assumption that someone in shorts and a T-shirt would be priced out of their fare. I had been craving pasta, and they had lobster linguine for $25, but I decided to go back to the Pizza Joint by the Gardner. If the upscale restaurant wasn’t eager for my business, better not to trouble them.
Map 2 of the Southern Tier is now done, and I’m on map 3. I notice that for the road ahead, there are some sections barren of services for as long as 90 miles, and the map advises carrying plenty of extra food and water. So tomorrow, while still in El Paso, I’ll divert to Big 5 and get a couple more freeze-dried meals, not to mention donuts if I can find them. That could mean low mileage for tomorrow, but that’s all right.
Miles for today: 0 (walking not counted)