This is Sunday, May 7th, the third and final night I will spend at Beach Bungalow Hostel. I never stayed at one place for more than a day on this trip. The driving factor for staying here was to be able to worship at a local church, with a secondary benefit of avoiding some of the rain.
Late last night, someone moved into the vacant bunk on top of me. As I was about to go to sleep, we didn’t talk except to say hello, but I later found out that her name was Valery. I woke at 3:30 am. Because they use efficient daylight-type LED bulbs in the outside here, I had no idea whether the dim light was dawn, or night light. Too early, went back to sleep. A few minutes before 5:30, someone’s iPhone went off. Just about the whole room woke up, except the person who set the alarm. I got out of bed and found the phone, but didn’t know how to turn it off. Valery was sitting up in bed, so I handed the phone to her, and she hit snooze. Everyone went back to bed, while I went to the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom, the iPhone went off again, and the owner still didn’t rouse. I moved the phone close to his head, but that didn’t work. I tried tapping him on the arm a few times, and he finally woke up and turned it off. Then I went over to the TV room.
It was a deluge out there. Rain was blasting against the window of the TV room as if someone was outside spraying with the nozzle of a hose. I wondered whether I would be able to get to church. I did some internet work.

Their 9 am forum is a discussion on a topic of social justice, over coffee. And this week, it was actually about coffee – the possibility of going with Fair Trade Coffee for their church. Although it’s an interdenominational initiative, it would be a meaningful move for them, as they’re small, and cannot be cavalier with their stewardship. In the forum, I met Bev, Gretchen, Betty, Priscilla, and Tara. Notice something? All women. Where were the dudes in this church? Interesting fact: In value, the #1 commodity traded worldwide is oil. #2 is coffee.

At 10:30 there was regular worship service, including communion. I found myself tearing up and feeling emotional at times, just like the previous week. Don’t know why that happens. After service, Gretchen gave me a pack of tissues to carry in my pack. I had left my handlebar rag back at the hostel.
I gave out more cards at church, and think I may run out before this trip is done. That would actually be a good thing, because it would mean that I’m meeting lots of people. I can get more printed in an hour at any Staples location on the route. Better that I don’t have the weight of too many cards, anyway.

In the storm, the power failed briefly at 6:30 pm. Internet went out for 15 minutes. Netflix went out. Lots of 20-somethings were dead on their phones, but I was able to continue editing this blog offline. One couple cuddled in the corner.
I went back to Coconut Thai Asian Bistro for dinner. Pad Kee Mao.
Miles for today: about 5 (cyclometer reset in the rain)