Very hot and humid today. Went further than I had planned, and not by choice. Will have to update later. Trying to rest quietly in my tent. Only way to be comfortable is to fan myself, but then I can’t sleep.
Took me a little while to figure out what this sign was trying to say.One campsite was called POW camp. Locals thought it was left over from the Civil War.There were six concrete kennels like this one. I imagine that at one time there were iron bars.There was virtually no shade along the way, and the day was hot, humid, and almost windless. I stopped at the porch of the Baptist Church in Larue to have lunch under the shaded porch.
After lunch, the sun occasionally would slip behind a cloud, and I was grateful every time it happened.
This store near Vancleave was the first one I saw since the start of the day.The sign doesn’t report the high humidity.I had hoped to stay at this park, but it was closed.Instead, I went 6 miles down highway 57 (off route), to this place.Connie, the manager, shows the kitchen in the Rec Room that they plan to open up soon.
When the air-conditioned Rec room opens, I could see hanging out there for long periods, especially in the humidity. That’s what I did back at Camp Wood in Texas.
The site was formerly a KOA, so still has Kabins. They are also preparing some new trailers, which will be worth it, once they come on line. A/C is worth a lot, here.Tuckey, the owner, was taking a few people out to dinner in Biloxi, and invited me to come along. These are the sunset clouds, taken from the car window.Biloxi is full of casinos. We ate at the Imperial Palace Buffet at one of them. Freshest salad since California.L-R: Brenda (Connie’s mother, believe it or not), Tuckey (Journey’s end owner), Connie (manager), me, Jimmy (a resident at Journey’s End). Jimmy was a former shop and vocational teacher.We went to Ocean Springs Beach later to shoot off some fireworks, which were legal in Mississippi for the 4 weeks surrounding the 4th of July. Jimmy is preparing a mortar which launches an exploding shell, just like a professional display, only smaller.Roman candles. Some local kids were shooting this type of thing at each other.
There was very little wind at the campsite, so it was not an easy sleep in my tent with all the heat and humidity. If I had an RV with my own A/C, or if their cabins were online, that would be a different story. So right now, it’s looking like my two days in Mississippi will be 100% camping.
Goal for tomorrow is Trav-L-Kamp near Grand Bay. It would be some 45 miles via the ACA route, but I plan to follow the Google route of mostly Hwy 90, which is more like 30 miles. And I might have a chance of finding services along the way.
One of the ACA options is to head up to Mobile, bypassing the Dauphin Island ferry. But I’ve decided to ride the standard Dauphin route.
I suppose – I haven’t looked for them. But that would mean weight for the battery pack, for something non-essential that I would only use infrequently. On this whole trip, there were only 3 days of humid camping. I’ve learned that I can take off my shirt and lie very still on it, and can fall asleep. I slept all right last night.
Do they sell battery powered fans there?
I suppose – I haven’t looked for them. But that would mean weight for the battery pack, for something non-essential that I would only use infrequently. On this whole trip, there were only 3 days of humid camping. I’ve learned that I can take off my shirt and lie very still on it, and can fall asleep. I slept all right last night.
now those are real fireworks!
Yeah, scary. Jimmy dropped one at one point when the sparks burned his hand, and the thing started shooting in our direction.