High temps expected. Usually, it has been fine before noon, then really hot.
I went back to the Donut shop early and got coffee, a fritter, and a kolache. Still managed to get out before 8 am.
I decided to follow the ACA map this morning, as the route went right by my doorstep.
The route had a lot of short but steep climbs. It was like doing Wilhelmina Rise in Honolulu, one or two blocks at a time, except with no Sierra Drive option.
This crossing was about 6 inches deep, and a dozen miles from the nearest alternate road. I walked the bike across instead of trying to ride, and my socks and shoes got soaked. F you, ACA map.After miles on an unmarked highway, the mind starts to doubt. 30 years ago, there was nothing to do about it except perhaps ask a local, if one could be found.But today, we have GPS.The wet shoes were starting to hurt my toes. I had to stop, and switch them with my kung fu shoes. So basically, I was riding with slippers. I could feel the rat-trap pedals through the flexible soles.At about the 30 mile mark, and 11:45 am, the ACA route intersected Hwy 290. If I had just taken 290 from the start, I would have been there much earlier. There was a gas station there with a restaurant, Taqueria La Escondida. I got Costillos de Puerca.In case the picture didn’t show it, the agua fresca was Texas sized. I see why they have big drinks – a person gets dehydrated in the heat.
By the time lunch was over, my shoes had dried sufficiently, but not the socks. I took the sleeping bag off the bike, opened up the panniers, and got out my other pair of socks. With mostly-dry good shoes again, cycling up the hills was easier. LEARNING: if there is a river crossing, take off the shoes and socks.
Google told me to follow Circle Dr to Thunderbird Rd, but I found that Circle Dr terminates at a church parking lot. It was new construction, so perhaps Google was out of date. I went back and looked for an alternate route to Thunderbird Rd. Actually, I could have stayed on Hwy 290 all along, and that would have got me there.
The navigation mistake was actually a blessing, because I saw this sign on the lawn. This Island Boy had to try it.It’s just a small shave ice truck with one guy.Well, how do you think it tasted?
It was so junk! Like Robitussin poured over crushed ice. I wanted to hurl, but kept eating it because it was $4. Finally, I gave up and threw it away. I felt a little sick from the sickly-sweet taste, and started laughing out loud because it was so bad. I take back what I said about the mis-turn being a blessing.
I missed another turn that Google wanted me to take. I went back and forth on the street searching for where it wanted me to go. Now I know they don’t want me to go on that dirt trail!After narrowing down the position, I determined that they really did want me to go on the dirt trail. It got worse, with rocks and roots so bumpy, I had to zip up my front bag to keep things from flying out. F you, Google Bike Maps.
Now remember, it was in the high 90’s all this time. But at least there was usually a little breeze.
The bike trail did get a little better. I ran into some guys examining some fruit on a vine. One guy thought it was wild grapes. He smelled and tasted it. So the bike path was a blessing, if only for this discovery.Looks like a grape inside. Smells like it. It was tart, but not poisonous-tasting (yes, I tried it).
I checked into the Austin Hostel (Lakeside), a bed in a 14-bed men’s dorm for $35 plus tax. And I think they provide breakfast in the morning. The hostel is cold, and so are the sleeping quarters. Unlike when I stay in a motel room, I don’t feel bad about wasting energy, because the institution set the thermostat, not me. I should sleep well tonight.
I got to the hostel in the late afternoon, due to all the pit stops. One thing I noticed was this sweet bidirectional bike lane, isolated from traffic by a line of parallel parking.
I decided that it was better to go and get dinner before showering, as the afternoon was still quite warm. I was pleased to find black grapes on sale at HEB for 98 cents a pound. I also got 6 peaches. On this hot day, I just wanted fruit.
This is for Marilyn – a saw a lot with Food Trucks. But I already had food in my pannier.My dinner – canned spinach, banquet spaghetti and meatballs, some grapes.
Mostly young people at this hostel. I didn’t really socialize much. There was a happy hour, and I visited with my Mango Nectar (I don’t drink, so ignored the free wine and beer. I also set out the remainder of the 3 pounds or so of grapes.
There is a river right next to the hostel. A news crew is there because they just pulled a body out of there. In other news, a man recently shot a random cyclist in Austin with a shotgun.
Tomorrow’s goal is Bastrop, just 35 miles away. Were it not for the heat, I might go for La Grange at 71 miles.