I had searched for churches the previous night, and decided to try St. James Episcopal, which was 1.6 miles distant, across the Colorado river. Worship was at 10:30, with adult class at 9:15.
St. James Episcopal Church. Not a very good picture – this isn’t even the front, but it was where people were entering in the morning, and where I rode up to.There was no adult class, as their rector was on sabbatical, so folks were just having coffee and donuts (and kolaches). I met a lot of folks, but only got a few pictures after the service. This is Diana on the left, and her husband Ken on the right. If I’ve mixed up some names, someone please correct me. I’m not that familiar with the Episcopal traditions, but Diana was the one carrying the cross into the service. The sound of their choir, plus a real pipe organ, was astounding.This is Bill (L), who was straightening up the pews after service. I think he may have worked for IBM previously. On the right is David, the visiting preacher. Again, if I’ve messed up the names, someone please correct me.Bill and Julie Bishop invited me to a festival that the Catholic church was putting on in Ammannville. Throughout the summer, there is one of these gatherings almost every week at some church, and everyone is invited. By the way, Bill was a Pulitzer finalist author.Picnic at Ammannville.
At first, I declined the Bishop’s invitation, thinking I’d just relax and catch up on computer work in my room. But I realized that seeing local events is what this trip is all about. They picked me up at the motel shortly after lunch.
This is the festival queen, Kaley (the king was busy), and Gary, the photographer and editor of the Texas Polka News that he’s holding over Julie.
There was a polka band playing. Bill said that due to the hot weather, they usually alternated between polka and waltz, or something less energetic. I realized that they were singing in Czech for the polka. By the way, Julie and Bill are good dancers.
English Professor Audrey Wick was a friend from St James. She is an author, and just sold a fiction novel (romance). Her son Luke is in intermediate school.This nest was under the eaves of one of the buildings. The 4 chicks are real.Audrey got snow cones for Luke and myself. Just crushed ice again, but the syrup was all right. It was a lot like an ordinary drink, with ice that you can chew.
There was also a charity auction, with donated items fetching astounding prices, to raise funds for the church. I saw a couple jars of pickles go for over $100.
Back at the motel room at the Cottonwood. Look at all that space.
I went back to La Marina for dinner, and got the special. Huge Texas-size portions, and I ate maybe 5 or 6 of the catfish strips, leaving 4.A common question that I get is how long the trip will take, and honestly, I have never made the calculation. This would be a good time to take stock of where I am. Estimated miles behind me = 500 (estimate, Pacific Coast) + 418 (Southern Tier 1) + 514 (ST 2) + 452 (ST 3) + 360 (ST4 so far) = 2244. Miles ahead = 64 (ST4 remaining) + 386 (ST5) + 443 (ST6) + 410 (ST7) = 1303. Days behind = 59. At this pace, I would still have about 5 weeks. If I take any side trips, like the spur to New Orleans, that’s extra.
Tomorrow’s goal is Navasota, a little over 60 miles distant. Should be fine if I just take it easy. There are refreshment stops along the way, so I’ll be following the ACA route, again.