I’m posting from the visitor’s center in Langtry. It closes in about 30 minutes, but I’ll try to get in what I can now, and extend later.
Fortunately, it was mostly overcast in the afternoon, shielding me from some of the heat. It was still long.
The visitor’s center didn’t close until 6 pm, so I ran it right up to the edge, taking advantage of the air conditioning, wi-fi, and just before 6, the bathroom.
At first, I was considering sleeping under the stars, but there were just too many flying insects in the area. I even got a few bites, so had to put on repellent. So I set up my tent. Remember, it’s about 90 to 95 degrees outside.
I heated water for my freeze-dried spaghetti on my camp stove, shooing away buzzing flies and other whining insects all the while. At first, I tried to eat my dinner on the steps of the community center, where there was open air circulation, but the bugs were too annoying. I went in the tent, where I was safe from bugs, but braised myself in the heat. Sweat dripped onto the tent floor from my body.
Although I had repellent on, I still got bit multiple times.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m grateful for Langtry, and especially for a water source. But this is probably my worst camping day so far.
Tomorrow, my target is Del Rio, which is another 62 miles, but this time, there should be food at the 30-mile mark, at Comstock. I’ve got to leave early. Riding is much easier in the cool of the morning. The ride to Del Rio is supposed to be hotter, too.