Pascagoula, MS

This was a short day, because of the heat, humidity, and possible thunderstorms.

Looks like the thunderstorm this morning cleared up. Highway 90 has a nice, wide, clean shoulder.
This could be my first view of the Gulf of Mexico on this whole trip. Or technically, this might still be the Singing River. Last night, I saw water, but that might have counted as a sound, since it was protected by barrier islands. And it was too dark to see out in the distance. Although my path should be parallel to the coast, vegetation has been blocking the view.
Pascagoula is the next city after Gautier. Right across the bridge.
But I needed to cross this bridge to get to the part of Pascagoula with the motels. There are many, so prices are competitive. This little incline woulf be nothing in the desert, but keep in mind that the heat index has been as high as “feels like” 113 in this region, though actual temps are less than 100.
I saw several likely motels in town, including one that looked very humble, and one that had a built-in cafe (with rooms for $50!). I decided to check in at the Studio 6 (probably associated with Motel 6). I was willing to accept a handicap room, which was $50.13 including tax. And it’s next to a Wal-Mart, so I can replenish my cash.
Studio 6 room 306 (Handicap)
Plenty of space. Working A/C, which I could apreciate all the more in this humidity. There’s even a kitchenette, although I won’t be using it. The mortal fault is that the wi-fi doesn’t work with my laptop. I’ll have to go out to a restaurant for a connection. I’m blogging offline right now.

If I had tried to go the entire distance to Dauphin Island, or had taken side roads without services, it would probably have been a very difficult day.

Miles today: 18.5

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  1. from hot and dry to hot and humid. i hope you have cotton / breathables to wear. since you are not on a schedule, better to go easy on the humid days, but looking at the forecast over the week, it looks to be humid, hot, and rainy throughout the southeast so moderate the rest of the way.

  2. I biked out to Wendy’s to upload the blog, only to find that I forgot to take my laptop. Later went to Wal-Mart, which is right next door, and updated, as you can see here.

    This morning, I was able to get my laptop to connect. It wasn’t showing the hotel login page, previously. What I did was start up Firefox, let it fail, then connect to the access point, then open a new tab in the browser. That brought up the “show login page” button.

    1. i noticed if FF tries to load an httpS page on start, i might not get a login page in many free wifi places, e.g. google pages are delivered via https.

      however, if i just tell FF to go to a regular http page — type a url like, FF could figure it out and get me a login page. login page detection does not work in some cases, or the server won’t play nice.

      1. Normally, I try to use my own, which is not secure. Or . But that didn’t work on the particular hotel’s network. It just hung up for 30 minutes trying to load. One possibility is that the network was just so busy that it wasn’t bringing up the login page. *sigh* first-world problems.

  3. You use WalMart for cash? I hope you’re not crossing the country holding them up. That’s so not like you!

    David and I now wear sun cooler sleeves that cover our arms up to our jersey. In hot weather (eg over 100 degrees) we’ve learned to use two bottles of water. One bottle to drink. One bottle to wear. The sun sleeves absorb the water nicely and for the 10 minutes it takes for them to dry out, it’s bliss. The vents in our helmets work well to guide the tip of the water bottle to squirt water onto our head and into our hair. Deliciously cool while it evaporates. And, of course the water that we squirt down our back helps. Air conditioned places and immersion into rivers and lakes help to reduce the body core temperature. We learned that immersion really helps.

    1. Thanks for the tips, Mona! Actually, I haven’t felt unreasonably hot on this trip, yet. I sweat, and naturally slow down to not exert so much, but haven’t doused myself.

      Walmart is of course, cash back on the debit card. Supermarkets here don’t always give cash back, and Chase Bank is not that common. There are other ways to make money on the road. At one of the previous motels, there was a colorfully dressed woman and a big guy going from door to door, until the owner ran them off.

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