No Longer a Slave to Fear

This is probably the least prepared I have ever been for a bike trip. I’m supposed to leave in less than 3 days. and this is my first post to the blog.  On the 2010 trip, I had already posted two months prior to the trip. We had trained for months, and taken a shakedown ride weeks before the trip. On this one, I haven’t even taken the touring bike out a single time, yet. And I’ve gathered supplies, but haven’t really packed. With tax filing and other responsibilities, I haven’t had the energy left over.

my messy desk
Crisis breeds chaos.

This trip is different from others in a few ways:

  • Waterproof panniers. If they work, it will be wonderful to have dry clothes and supplies. However, the roll top dry bags have no side pockets. I will have to take the things off the rear rack to access anything.
  • I’m leaving from home. No airline flights to the start point.
  • I’m going alone. If I meet up with others on the road, so much the better.
  • It’s through a part of the country I’ve never visited
irrational fears
I’ve never had serious trouble on past tours. People were uniformly kind and reasonable. Trouble is, I’ve seen a lot of unreasonable things in the past few months, so I find myself entertaining irrational fears.

When those doubts pop up, I have to remember…

no longer a slave
Phrase taken from the song, “No Longer Slaves” by Brian Johnson, Jonathan David Helser, Joel Case. Picture courtesy of Rachel at

No longer a slave to fear.
No longer a hostage to worry.
No longer an addict to comfort.

Let’s do this.

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