Silver City, NM

In the morning, I spoke with the owner of the Budget Motel as she was watering her plants.  She has a peach, apple, and pear tree, and grows mint, too.  Didn’t get her picture, unfortunately.

The first 15 miles or so were all up, but not steep.

continental divide
The route crossed the Continental Divide today. Hope you like this picture – I had to chance rolling the bike through Kiawe to get it.
unknown plant
There was a lot of this stuff growing by the side of the road. Some kind of Rosemary? It has tiny daisy-like flowers.
better road
The road improved after the divide. But it was still hilly.
cows under a tree
These cows across the road had the right idea.
cactus figure
If you look long enough at cactus, you can see figures. What does this look like?

I noticed an RV park that was not on my map, so investigated. Ridgepark RV park turned out to be a nice place. I got directions from Richard, the host.

Richard told me that the park had been there a long time as a worker’s camp for miners. But when the local copper mine cut back, the camp was converted. If you look carefully, you can see the cloud in the distance, where they are blasting. The park has shady spots for pitching a tent, covered picnic areas, a shower, and good well water (I know, because Richard helped me refill my bottles). Because of the ridge breeze, the site never gets hot.
Ted and Russ
Ted (in red) and Russ were going the other way, and pulled over to visit. They’re from Albuquerque, and are riding the Continental Divide Route through New Mexico. Actually, I believe it was their last day.

There were 6 hills that I had to climb today. The last one before Tyrone was by far the worst. But after that, it was downhill sailing into Silver City. The winds were gusty and highly variable. At one point, I was in dead air, and glanced down at the cyclometer to see that I was going 33 mph. At other times, the wind slowed me to 17 mph on the downhill. For one long, long stretch, the road was smooth, silent, and I cruised downhill at 24 mph. It was almost hypnotic; I had to keep reminding myself to stay alert.

silver city elevation 5938
At last. Actually, the whole city is full of hills.

Following the main thoroughfare, I got to Albertson’s, and was able to replenish my cash.  Inside, I was surprised to see Richard again, and his (wife?  friend?) Mary.  Mary was a missionary in South Africa, and had a positive philosophy on people that I completely agree with. She also reminded me of the importance of staying hydrated.

I also saw a billboard for Wendy’s, and found it several miles into the city.

Wayne, Jane, and Joshua
Just before going into Wendy’s, I met (L-R) Wayne, Jane, and Josh. Wayne and Jane were actually married in St. Augustine, Florida, my ultimate destination. They suggested that if I got to Truth or Consequences, I should visit the Artesian Hot Spring.
chili and frosty
Late lunch at about 4 pm. Largest Frosty and large chili. There had been no services since Lordsburg, except for the water refill at the RV park, and I had not eaten lunch. I just snacked on cookies. Didn’t need to tap my 1 gallon jug, either.
Wendy's freshness guarantee
Sorry, Hawaii.

I checked into the Gila Mountain Inn (Rodeway Motel). With senior discount $50 plus $6 tax. Continental breakfast included. Your basic large motel. After a shower and a nap, I worked on this blog. I forgot that the sun sets late here, so it was almost 9 when I walked out for dinner at twilight.

Wendy’s was the only thing in easy walking range. But when I got to the door, it was locked, with a sign saying that the lobby was closed at 9. Probably what I should have done at that point was turn around and use my emergency meal. Or order Dominos. But instead, I walked up the hill, on the main street with no sidewalks and no street lights. At the top of the hill was Dollar Tree. Nope, closed at 9. Walmart was the next thing open, on the other side of the hill.

Walmart is open 24 hours.
Here’s my microwaveable Walmart dinner. Total cost, $2.50.

Miles today: 48.7, lots of climbing, at 6000′

Tomorrow should be tough – more climbing, at even higher altitude. I hope to make it over Emory Pass, or at least get close.

(Visited 161 times, 1 visit(s) today)
  1. New Mexico looks hot and dry. We arrived in Israel after a 14 hour flight on El Al. I tried posting on my blog tonight, nothing came up yet. The landscape looked very dry and sparse. Was able to take a dip in the Mediterranean Sea, pleasantly warm.

    1. Yay! Glad to hear you made it in, all right. If you email the post to me at Lycos, I can put it up. The blog is supposed to update every half hour. Something must have went wrong.

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