Category Archives: On The Road

Bogalusa, LA

Before heading out this morning, I got cash from the Bank of Wal-Mart, and searched for the Colonial Inn.

hidden colonial inn
It’s easy to see how I missed the Colonial Inn. Besides the incorrect directions from Google, the actual motel is hidden behind the car dealership. Look carefully at the center of the picture, and you might see it.  It’s on an unnamed street, possibly the driveway of the car dealership, near the intersection of Hwy 16 (Oak St) and I-55.
Colonial Inn, Amite, LA
I rode up the side road to the motel, to ask about their rates. $49.95 for a single, less than half the price of the other motels.

I started out in earnest at 9:30, deviating from the official route, and instead following hwy 16, then 10. Although I didn’t have specifics about services along the way, I had learned that there often would be a gas station or store at highway junctions.

My first rest was at the 450 Grocery and Deli, at the junction of 16 and 450. Shannon was one of the cashiers, there.
crawfish boudin
At 11 am, it was too early for lunch, but I noticed that they had crawfish boudin, which I had never tried, before. Like other Cajun food, it was not burning hot, but well-spiced.
produce stand
It was very common to see someone with a pickup truck of produce, and a canopy, just parked at the side of the highway.
In Franklinton, I stopped at a small flea market, to get a bag of peaches. I’ve already eaten 3 of the 10.
mystery object
This was in the bike lane. Anyone? Any clue?
hwy LA-10E
A shout out to my friends in East LA.
I was not uncomfortable, but absolutely drenched with sweat on this humid day. One pickup matched speed with me, and a woman offered me a bottle of iced tea. This guy in a pickup pulled over on the shoulder ahead of me, and offered water and ice. Loyman Prestenbach was band director at a local high school. I was pleased that this trail angel was setting an example for his students. I remember our band directors teaching us far more than just music. Hope you get to take your adventure sometime soon, too, Loyman.
Del Mar Motel, Bogolusa
In Bogolusa, I passed by the Del Mar motel.. Even if the sign was an exaggeration, this was clearly a budget establishment. A Sonic drive-in was right across the street.
Chocktaw Motel
I decided to go for this place a couple blocks down. $40 per day, including tax.
No coffee, no shampoo. But it has wi-fi and a/c. It will do.
dead roach
Fortunately, I’m not bothered too much by roaches. I grew up in Kaimuki. This one was dead. I opened the non-functional refrigerator, and saw a few small ones (German cockroaches, different species) scurrying about. So it looks like I won’t be using the fridge. Late in the evening, I saw a big one (American cockroach) poking about. I nailed it with my kung-fu slipper.
There were several stores adjacent to the motel, including a fair-sized supermarket. I got a quarter watermelon (it’s the dehydration talking) and a cucumber salad. There are 5 peaches left in this picture, but as I type, there are only 3 left. I also got fried fish on a bun from Seafood Market across the street. Very good. Somehow, the food seems to be better in these more run-down areas.

Tomorrow is a rest day. Google shows a number of churches within easy biking distance.

Miles today: 49.6