Hand Drawn Notes

Most of my dreaming and scheming for the solar bicycle is on scratch paper, the backs of junk mail, or the newsprint tray liners that we get at fast food places. I’ll use this post as a repository for them.

Solar Bike Doodles 1 – Observations on Electric Bike

Solar Bike Doodles 2 – Mechanical Trailer Attach, Concept for Power Transfer Controller

Solar Bike Doodles 3 – Power Draw of PICAXE 20M2 Processor

Solar Bike Doodles 4 – Detour: the Problem of Measuring Inductance

Solar Bike Doodles 5 – Battery Box, more on Measuring Inductance

Solar Bike Doodles 6 – Early PTC schematic sketch, Design Wants

Solar Bike Doodles 7 – Current Sense Resistor, Common Base Current Mirror, 5V regulator, Schottky Main Rectifier

Solar Bike Doodles 8 – Inventory of Power MOSFETs and Rectifiers in Junk Box

Solar Bike Doodles 9 – Trailer Attach and Bearings

Solar Bike Doodles 10 – Dimensions of Used Aluminum Chassis

Solar Bike Doodles 11 – Things to Do, Things to Buy, NAWS order, Niagara order, Zorotools order, Digikey order

Solar Bike Doodles 12 – Measuring Inductance, Gate Drive, Sample and Hold, Peak Detector

Solar Bike Doodles 13 – YouTube randacnam7321, Synchronous Rectification, PICAXE download connector, MOSFET candidates, peak detector

Solar Bike Doodles 14 – More Measuring Inductance

Solar Bike Doodles 15 – Component choices, Mouser Order

Solar Bike Doodles 16 – Overvoltage protect when batteryless, experiments with MOSFET driver circuits

Solar Bike Doodles 17 – Tail Light Flasher

Solar Bike Doodles 18 – Debug of Breadboard Burning Up

Solar Bike Doodles 19 – MOSFET Gate Driver Rethink

Solar Bike Doodles 20 – Active Rectification, Tail Light Power, Notes from Demystifying Switching Power Supplies

Solar Bike Doodles 21 – Soft Start Upon Initial Panel Connect

Solar Bike Doodles 22 – Relay Prototype

Solar Bike Doodles 23 – Dimensions of Trailer Parts

Solar Bike Doodles 24 – Actual Power Draw of Motor, Flasher Dropping Resistor

Solar Bike Doodles 25 – Supercapacitors and Equalizing Circuit

Solar Bike Doodles 26 – Chassis and Heatsink

Solar Bike Doodles 27 – Main Switch Overheating, Decision to Use Mosfet Driver Chip

Solar Bike Doodles 28 – Equalized Charging Scheme for Supercapacitors

Solar Bike Doodles 29 – Custom Toroid 1, Efficiency Measurements

Solar Bike Doodles 30 – Analysis of Synchronous Rectifier Fail, New Core Material, Pulse Limiting on Sync Rect

Solar Bike Doodles 31 – Tuning Pulse Limiting, Snubber

Solar Bike Doodles 32 – hpwm, failed optoisolator concept

Solar Bike Doodles 33 – charging multiple output caps, ACS713/723 current sensor

Solar Bike Doodles 34 – PCB footprint check, circuit changes for layout

Solar Bike Doodles 35 – PCB vendor selection, fab

Solar Bike Doodles 36 – PTC bringup begins, first energy out

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