January 9th, 2020. Up early, to catch the #6 bus into town, where we would get onto the tour bus for Hobbiton.
Bonnie and Christina’s house has this art on the walls. Note also the clock permanently stuck at 9:45. There were sympathy cards on top of the case, so I was not sure whether this was something intentional. There was also a collection of fine corelware in the case.These New Zealand international stamps still have dry adhesive on the back that you have to lick.We got some cocktail sausages from Pak ‘n Save so we could have protien for breakfast. They taste exactly how they look, like red hot dogs.Waiting at the shop for the bus to Hobbiton.The land around Hobbiton is naturally rolling hills. A pleasant hour’s bus ride, with Lord of the Rings and Hobbit clips playing on video.And corn is a local crop. This could be Farmer Maggot’s field.We finally made it into Hobbiton. Pretty popular.
A Hobbit-hole.Forced perspective makes Merrianne look hobbit-sized.
This is the only fake tree on site, on top of Bilbo’s house. It took 10 months to make. 200,000 individually-glued leaves.On the bus back to town, we passed the machine that makes the giant toilet paper rolls.Half lamb shank for Merrianne at the Pig & Whistle. I had an open steak sandwich.
We walked down Hinemoa St. to the Polynesian Spa after lunch.
There were 8 hot pools ranging from hot to nearly unbearable.We had a view of the bay as we soaked.