Last Saturday, we worked a service project, fixing up a school. My morning was spent cleaning a mat of dust off the top of lockers, scrubbing an office, and scouring gum off the cold floor of a locker room. At noon, some lunch was provided for us.
In this Thanksgiving season, there’s nothing like a hard morning’s work in the cold to make me thankful for food. When I’m starving, I don’t just pray before I eat – the entire meal is a prayer. Every bite is Hallelujah. Oooohhh. Fried rice with tiny bay shrimp. Thank you Lord for this broccoli. Oooohhh. Thank you for these wonderful noodles.
It wasn’t clear that there was enough for everyone, as the hardest working folks got to lunch late, and didn’t get any meat. So I stayed away from the food table for a while, but then noticed that some food had spilled on the table, and no one was taking it. I was glad to scoop that up.