Author a Video DVD from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

It’s not hard to create a DVD that will play in a regular player from Ubuntu linux. However, it wasn’t immediately obvious to me, so I’m documenting the steps, here.

OpenShot installed.
If the OpenShot video editor is not installed, install it from the Ubuntu Software Center.
DeVeDe installed
Also install a program called DeVeDe. When I tried to install it, it warned about conflicts with existing video codecs, but I told it to install anyway. UPDATE: this program is now called DeVeDeNG
Export video
Start up OpenShot, and add in your video clips. How to edit them with transitions and effects is an advanced topic, which I’ll leave for you to pick up on your own. When you have the production the way you want it, click on the red Export button shown.
Choose output format
This box will pop up in OpenShot. Choose the DVD profile, and if you’re in the USA like me, NTSC as the format. Finally, click on the Export Video button in the box. A file with your production name plus the extension “.DVD” will be created. It may take a while; this could be a good time to take a break. When it’s done, exit OpenShot.
DeVeDe startup
Now start up DeVeDe. Select “Video DVD” as the type.
drag .DVD file into DeVeDe
Remember that .DVD file we created earlier? Drag it to the files section of DeVeDe. Under Advanced, make sure that you select ISO for output, which will allow direct burning to DVD. (Alternatively, if you select “create disc structure,” you will get AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders that you could burn to a DVD later along with other files, if desired.)
choose output folder
A box will pop up for you to choose the output folder. That’s where the output ISO file will go.
DeVeDe creating
The operation may take a while, depending on how long your video is, and how powerful your computer is.
DeVeDe done creating
DeVeDe is done creating the ISO file. Click on the Burn button and follow instructions to burn your DVD.
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