This isn’t Loch Lomond; it’s a small hydroeleectric dam.Saying that the nearest public toilets are 10 and 15 km away is like saying please use this area as a toilet to anyone on foot.Conveniece store at a Highland tourist village.Propane and Butane.Not sure if this is a tourist item, or a mainstream thing. Didn’t see it at other stores.From the bus, we could see lines of hikers in the distance on the moor. Seems like a really fun thing to do, and there appear to be lots of hostels to stop at.A Viking hog’s back grave. There wasn’t enough wood to waste on burning up a ship for a funeral, so after Vikings settled, they started burying. Eventually, many converted to Chistianity. This is a Christian grave, indicated by the feet pointing exactly East, and the head pointing exactly West.
Actually, I didn’t have any good pictures of Loch Lomond. The bus didn’t stop, and the banks didn’t look so bonny, anyway. Maybe I can find some from the rest of the group.
Walking to dinner in town. There’s a mild rain. Note the Jollibee’s.