Bloody Sunday

The sign looks like two guys having a party with an underage girl. In fact, I think this was a leftover from pandemic restrictions.
Our docent John Kelly at the Bloody Sunday Museum. How does he know so much? He was there. His brother Mike was killed at age 17 on that day.
The clothes of one of the victims shot by police, found with 4 nail bombs in the pockets. There is a bullet hole going right through one of the pockets, suggesting that the bombs were planted after he was killed. There was an inquiry at the time, and in an unusual move, a second inquiry in 2010, in which all of those killed were found innocent.

The general consensus at the museum was that the police went in with the intention of killing a number of innocents, to draw out the IRA, and annihilate them. The IRA never responded – possibly they were warned in advance. The rest is history. There was too much to absorb in the short time we had at the museum.

Derry, aka Londonderry (locals don’t call it that), aka The Maiden City, aka The Walled City, because the walls were never breached. One can walk the continuous wall all the way around for one mile.
Our guide was Jerry from Derry.
The wall walk ended at the Guild Hall (City Hall). Across the street was a park which II visited after lunch.
TheThirsty Goat was not serving until 1400, so we went across the street to Silver Street for lunch. £8.75 for the burger plus a side salad. The salad alone would have been enough for lunch.
One of the most fun things I’ve done on this trip.
Interesting construction technique. They’re cutting a pre-cast concrete slab to fit, then laying it on a gravel bed for sidewalk.
Rest on the bus on the way to Donegal.
This might be in Derry. “The vax is killing Thousands” – picture taken by Paula.
Brief stop for an accident.

Before the hotel, we made a stop at a cleaners to drop off bags of laundry. £16 per bag of laundry.

This was in the room at the Mill Park Hotel. What is it? Otherwise, the room is nice: USB charging ports by the beds, desk to work on, shower AND tub.
A block from the hotel was this outdoor laundromat. Accepts credit cards. £5 for a small wash (outs would have easily fit), and £3 to dry. Don’t even need to buy detergent, as it’s automatically dispensed by the washer.
My dinner at the Rusty Castle Pub was lamb stew, a delicious clear broth with tender lamb chunks. The white thing in the middle is a whole potato.
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