Whisky, Highland Hairy Coos, Reindeer

Breakfast buffet was included at the Westlands hotel. It’s a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins and minerals. Everything the body needs.
Weetabix was a standard cereal offered at the breakfast buffet.
We took this picture at Layby 81. A layby is a turnout or vista point. This was the highland terrain for most of the day.
Dalwhinnie Distillery bathroom. Why would I care?
Whisky samples at Dalwhinnie Distillery. All Whisky is from Scotland. Whiskey spelled with an “ey” is not.
The streets in the area are narrow, and when cars are parked, one direction of traffic must stop and wait. This will be familiar to readers from Honolulu. They drive on the left here, of course.
A Highland Coo (Cow).
Three diagonal bars on a sign form a countdown for something 300 yards away. At 200 yards, there are two bars, and finally a sign with one bar at 100 yards.
It didn’t rain, but it was heavily overcast at times.
In the gift shop at the Cairngorm Reindeer Centre. Keychains for very small keys.
A Reindeer.
The Centre gave us an informative talk, then let us feed lichen to the reindeer.
We had dinner at a golf course, at the Red Deer restaurant.
Dinner choices: Bob had Steak Pie, Pearl had Salmon, Merrianne had Mushroom Risotto. The Risotto was undercooked, and she switched to Salmon. Dessert was a choice of Sticky Toffee, Apple Crumble, or Ice Cream.
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