Edinburgh at Last

Kendra dropped us off at San Jose airport, where we met two other couples, then flew to Chicago, then to Frankfurt, then to Edinburgh. The 8-hour flight on United to Frankfurt was tough on me. The B747 was quite uncomfortable, and it was hard to sleep. 747’s were comfortable when I was in college, but the seats were far enough apart then so that you could put your head down on the tray and sleep. Or if you were on the red-eye, chances are you’d have the whole row to yourself, and could just lie down.

In a brilliant move, Pearl had brought hard boiled eggs, and gave us two. United Airlines didn’t feed us much. Lufthansa did, though. There were lots of streaming movie choices, but I tried to sleep.

We got in around 1300 local time. I was still woozy from the 3 plane flights and lack of good sleep. We got settled by 1500, and I set out walking, while Merrianne rested in the room.

I found the Vodafone store, and they had a £10 SIM that would give 30 days to my phone. Unfortunately, even though it was a Vodafone, it was locked to the New Zealand network, and there was nothing the store could do for me short of selling me another phone for £50+ .

But at least I found Poundland.

It’s like a Dollar store.
36 Weetabix for £3.50
They also had air dusters for £1

I must remember, it’s pronounced, ED-in-BUR-ra.

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