Packing Light

We leave in about 3 weeks.  This will be my first guided tour of this type.  Although we got an extensive Handbook and Packing List from the touring company, I hope to pack light, then Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome.  For example, I’m not bringing rain gear, but will purchase it there if necessary.

Merrianne suggested I bring something other than jeans.

UPDATE 16-SEP-2022:

Here is the stuff I plan to bring. Not shown are the things I will be wearing onto the plane when we embark three days from now, like my jeans and jacket.
Packed, everything fits into my day pack, so theoretically, I could just take that as my personal item, with neither carryon nor checked bags. In reality, I’ll keep only the most essential items in the day pack, and the rest will go in the carryon.

UPDATE 19-SEP-2022:

Checked in online yesterday. United Airlines balked at processing a 9.5 MB PNG file of my passport, so I had to use a smaller JPG. It was worse for Merrianne. On her Mac, United accepted the large PNG, then walked through all the way to the end, and said no passport was on file

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